Board Members
Our current board members are listed below. The board is responsible for the planning, organization, and operation of our Barracudas team. Each board member is responsible for a particular area of operations for the swim team. If you have a question about one of the areas listed below, feel free to contact your board representative by email, phone, or in person.
- Crystal Smith, Co-President
- 2022-present
- Catherine Bedell, Co-President
- 2022-present
- Brian Klaas, Director
- Co-League Rep, Co-Computers, Co-Webpage
- 2014-present
- Co-League Rep, Co-Computers, Co-Webpage
- Richard Heller, President Emeritus
- 2020-Present (President 2021-23)
- LesLeigh Golson, Director
- Co-Computers, Co-Webpage
- 2022-Present
- Abby Chalmers, Director
- 2024-present
- Stephanie Coultas, Director
- 2025-present
Interesting in Joining the Board?
The BCW Barracudas Board of Directors is led by volunteers that are responsible for setting the direction for the swim team as well as executing on all the basic requirements to keep the team running.
The board meets from November to April to plan the next season. The goal is short meetings (1hr or less) to make key decisions, divide tasks, and track progress and typically via Zoom calls to make it easier. During the season, the board meets more frequently, but more casually, typically at the pool during practice or briefly after each meet.
The board should consist of approximately 5-7 members. The majority from Barton Creek West.
Time Expectations
- Attend 1 meeting per month, Nov through February. More during March (registration) and May - June while the season is in progress.
- Attend and work all swim meets (or find and train a substitute for the few that are missed).
- Additional time depending on role. This could be a few hours each month during the off season for things like deciding suits, shirts, merchandise, filling tax forms for treasurer. During the season time is spent planning the meets and addressing issues that come up as the season proceeds.
- League Representative will also attend a 1 league meeting per month, Nov through August.
Board Member Jobs
The following jobs must be assigned to a board member. A board member may be assigned multiple jobs.
- President - schedules meetings, sets direction.
- Treasurer (some year round paperwork duties)
- Secretary - documents minutes
- League Representative
- Additional 1.5 hr league meeting per month Nov through March, plus whatever task is assigned at the league level. This is the team President for many of the league teams.
- Computers (may be combined or split)
- Web Content Management - Registration Process, general information, etc.
- Concessions ($$ involved)
- Merchandise ($$ involved)
- Volunteer Coordinator
Other Key Jobs
These jobs may or may not be owned by a board member, depending on the size of the board in any given year. They are critical for the season to be successful! If you don't have the few extra hours to be a board member, consider leading a particular area.
- Computers (may be combined or split)
- Web Meet Signup - Swimmer signup for each meet, export files for Meet Manager (both home & away meets)
- Meet Execution - Build the meets based on online signup, run the timing system poolside during the meet and provide the results using Meet Manager.
- Photography (coordinate/hire)
- Age Group Parent Coordination / Training
- Ready Bench Coordination / Training
- Stroke Judge Coordination
- Setup/Takedown Coordination
- Ribbons
- Team Event / Social Coordinator
- Swim Suit Selection (every other year)
In addition to the personal satisfaction of seeing the swim team continue to provide a fun developmental activity for the kids, board members are given a discount towards registration. Plus early registration to ensure first pick at jobs and a guaranteed spot on the team for your kids.