Event Changes & Scratches
We strictly enforce an entry deadline for swim meets because it takes time and effort to coordinate between teams and build the actual meet. Even longer since most of us are volunteers!
With that said, if your plans change we like to know as soon as possible so we can update the meet files. It is still work on our part, but not as time constrained as on the pool deck. That way, no age group parents are hunting for kids and ready bench doesn't hold the meet due to someone missing. This is NOT a free invite to make changes due to poor planning :)
Scratches - drop from the meet - can be processed anytime after the meet is closed up until 30 minutes prior to the meet. If you signed up and you know your kiddo isn't swimming please let us know! Kids get sick, things come up, etc. It is easy to scratch someone from an individual event. RELAYS ARE NOT ALWAYS EASY TO CHANGE! If your in doubt if your kiddo will make it, please opt-out of relays. It saves us all time and frustrated kids (if we have to scratch an entire relay because there are no backups).
Deck Entries - add to the meet - In very limited cases, we can add kids to the meet that didn't sign up. Check the heat sheet for a spare lane in the event. IF there is a free lane in the desired event. IF the other team hasn't already taken it. We can accept deck entries up until 30 minutes prior to meet start.
Event Results
The Computers Team tries to post a paper copy of event results at the meets shortly after each stroke concludes. These results are posted on the Barracuda display case near the entrance to the bath house.
Want your event results in real time? Download the SwimTopia application for your smartphone and have the results as soon as they're entered into the computer system.
Note: The official meet results will not be posted until shortly after the meet concludes. Official results may differ from results posted at the pool, or on the app to disqualifications. If we have problems at the meet and are unable to publish the results on the app for any reason, the posted results will always be posted on our website following the meet.
Seed Times & Special Meets
We have carried over seed (previous swim) times from last year and plan to use those times for the first few meets. Using seed times allows us to place swimmers of similar abilities in the same heat. This makes for a faster meet and encourages our swimmers to rise to the level of their competition. We will drop the seed times from last year once a significant number of swimmers establish times for this year.
There are two special meets in regard to seed times:
- Intrasquad - The intrasquad meet is for practice and is not sanctioned. Times at intrasquad meets do not count for All-Star times. It is for us to remember how to run a swim meet again for the new season. It also gives the new kids seed times so the larger meets with other teams can go faster. It is not sanctioned because there isn't another team to witness that we followed all the proper processes. We found a stash of ribbons! We will HAVE RIBBONS!
- Champ Meet - The Championship medal meet is one of the most fun for the swimmers. Instead of ribbons they get medals to reward their progress. The most important rule to understand for this meet is that a swimmer MUST have an existing time that year in an event to swim in that event at the medal meet AND they must have "splashed" at two regular season meets. The time MUST come from a sanctioned meet (not the intrasquad meet). If your swimmer is planning on trying all the stokes this year, they need to do so BEFORE this meet.
Why are times different between meets?
If you have ever noticed that the seed times are different on the meet program or results at different meets, here is why! The system we use automatically converts swimmers' times between the various pool lengths. In swimming there are 3 courses depending on the pool length:
- SCM - Short Course Meters (25 Meter pool)
- SCY - Short Course Yards (25 Yard pool)
- LCM - Long Course Meters (50 Meter pool)
The Barton Creek West pool is SCY, or 25 yards. Some of the away pools are SCM (see list on the league website), which will appear to have slower times because of the longer length pool. In many cases, you will see a * next to a time that has been automatically converted.