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Volunteer - Training Required

  • Arrival:
  • Departure: Through final meet event.
  • Responsibilities: Request timing sheets from the Timers and run them to the computer station; determine the middle time from the three times listed on the timing sheet; and help input data into the computer.
  • Availability to Watch Child/Swimmer! 
  • Training Requirement: Must attend a mandatory training session hosted by the league / lead computer position.
  • Arrival:
  • Departure: Through final meet event.
  • Responsibilities: announcing upcoming heats, signaling the start of every race during home meets, making any important announcements, and generally keeping pace. The Starter/Announcer is also responsible for calling false starts and completing a DQ sheet for swimmers who false start.
  • Availability to Watch Child/Swimmer! 
  • Training Requirement: 30-minute training session, as needed

Stroke & Turn Judge
  • Arrival: 15 minutes before warmup
  • Departure: Through final meet event
  • Responsibilities: rotating shift at both home and away meets. The Judge will stand at the edge of the pool and ensure that the swimmers in his/her assigned lanes properly perform the requirements of each stroke (breast stroke, back stroke, and butterfly). If a swimmer does not perform the stroke and/or turn correctly, the Judge completes a disqualification (DQ) form for the swimmer and submits the DQ form to the computer team. This is a position for an experienced swim team parent. You bear the responsibility of ensuring proper form and fairness for all swimmers.
  • Availability to Watch Child/Swimmer! 
  • Training Requirement: All new Stroke & Turn Judges must attend a mandatory training session hosted by the League. First and second year stroke judges must attend. Once you have completed two years training, you are allowed to alternate years.
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