First Practice is Delayed / Get Your Gear is still Sunday!
April 14th
"Get Your Gear" Day
Stop by the Barton Creek West Pool anytime Sunday April 19 from 1pm - 4pm to purchase your suit, goggles, fins and visit with board members, coaches and teammates. This is a ‘dry' session, no swimming!
First Day of Practice Delayed
The BCW pool/bathhouse is being renovated due to the discovery of a leak. Weather conditions and forecast (frequent rain) are causing a delay in finishing the renovation. It's not likely the pool will not be ready to open on April 20th. We are monitoring progress daily. We are targeting a new practice start date of April 27th and will send updates as we receive them from the BCW HOA. Please stay tuned.
Thank you, see you on Sunday!
Barton Creek West Swim Team Board.