    Returning Member? Login to retrieve information from your previous registration.
    * Indicates a required field

    2025 - HEAT 3 - New BCE/WRMS Families

    We are a fully VOLUNTEER RUN organization for the purpose of providing a fun summer experience for the neighborhood kids and friends.  You will be expected to volunteer to contribute to the team's success! This includes staying your entire shift.


    We have a tiered registration process.  Please be 100% sure you are registering in the proper time window.

    THIS REGISTRATION FORM IS ONLY FOR NEW BARRACUDA FAMILIES IN THE BCE/WRMS area! If this is not you, please go back to the registration page and find your proper link. You may need to wait until your registration time is open.

    Any registrations not meeting these guidelines will be cancelled and refunded less $35 to cover our credit card fees.

    Completing this form acknowledges that you have reviewed the team policies (About Us - Policies) and parent volunteering (About Us - Parent Volunteers) information.  Please understand that for the purpose of the swim season, all athletes will be considered as being their age on May 1 of the current year for the entire season.

    Be certain to complete each section of the online registration form: Personal Information, Treatment Consent & Medical Information, Volunteer Roles, Team Merchandise, and Payment. Selecting the family donor option will add an additional $100 to your registration.

    Payment must be made online with credit card at the end of this registration process.  If you are absolutely unable to pay by credit card, please email [email protected] to make arrangements. Prepayment is required prior to starting registration. This saves us a tremendous amount of volunteer effort managing checks.  

    Note: Only one adult family member is required to volunteer, but more family adults may volunteer. You can select between adult names to use by selecting yes/no in the parent/guardian section below. If you select yes for multiple adults, all will be able to select jobs. You can share the volunteer duties between immediate adult family members.  You will select actual person and jobs on the volunteering page if you enable them now.

    Your registration is NOT complete until you receive a credit card confirmation.  You will receive a payment confirmation email and a confirmation from the team. If you have issues, please email [email protected].

    Parents / Guardians
    • New accounts will be sent an email confirmation message with instructions to set up a password.
    • At least one parent/guardian is required to volunteer.
    • Previously registered parents/guardians cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

    Parent / Guardian Information

    Parent / Guardian Information

    + Add a parent / guardian to this registration
    • Previously registered athletes cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

    Athlete Information

    + Add an Athlete to this registration
    Home Address
    Team Status

    Please indicate your status in the drop-down field below. A BCW Resident is a swimmer in a household that pays Barton Creek West HOA monthly dues. Please select the best fit starting from the top of the list. *

    Interested in Lead Roles

    Are you interested in taking a larger behind-the-scenes coordinating role? We are looking for people to take on our Ready Bench Coordinator and Events Coordinator roles for this season and have many current leads who need to train the next generation of volunteers as well. If you'd be interested in hearing more, please indicate below, and a Board Member will reach out. *

    Financial Policies

    Overview: We are a volunteer run non-profit organization. All funds collected at registration pay for coaches, equipment, supplies, insurance and league dues. We also solicit sponsors and donors to offset some of these costs. 

    Payments: All payments are due prior to the start of practice. We will not be able to order merchandise until payment is received. Space available, we can accept new registrations through May 4, however, you may not get your desired t-shirt size or a t-shirt at all.  All merchandise orders for Barracudas gear close on March 28, 2025.

    Due Date: All payments are due on or before the first day of practice. For insurance/liability reasons, a swimmer will not be allowed in the water until payment is received.

    Late Fee:  A late fee of $50 will be added to any balance unpaid after the first day of practice. Please pay ASAP, it makes it easier for the the board members. Remember, we're all volunteers!

    Refunds: The majority of our expenses are up front, covering league dues, shirts, liability insurance, etc. We also determine coaching staff size based on swimmer count. We make our commitments by April 15 to ensure the best deals. After payment, we will provide refunds on the following basis -

    • 50% refund on or before April 15 (***)
    • 0% refund after April 15.  Sorry, we are all volunteers and neighbors, please don't even ask, it increases the costs for everyone.
    • We are unable to refund merchandise purchases or credit card fees.

    (***) We do not have a location for tryout prior to registration. Coaches will be available at get your gear for tests if necessary  If the coach feels your child will not have the skills to safely swim in this program, a full refund less $35 admin fee will be issued (you keep the shirt).  Please be aware that for safety reasons, we need swimmers to be able to swim 25 yards unassisted in approx 1min 15sec.

    Extra Costs: Swimmers are responsible for purchasing their swimsuit, goggles, and personal equipment. There is also a scheduled team event that is self funded. Unlike previous years, the champ meet this year will not have any entry fees..

    Championship Meet Entry Fees: Any fees associated with end-of-season meet are included at time of registration. 

    Volunteer Agreement Pre-authorization: This season we are implementing a $150 credit card pre-authorization at the time of registration in connection to the 4 point per family volunteer agreement. See Volunteer Roles Agreement below for further details. 

    Prorated Fees: Registration fees cover the complete summer season. There are no prorated fees for late start or not finishing the season regardless of reason.

    Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
    Family Sponsorship

    Help the team, be a Family Sponsor!  For a $100 donation, get your name on the web page and help make the team better!  See the sponsorship page for more details! We are a 501(c)3 non-profit. Donations over $250 will receive a receipt (contact us for additional donations). Get your name on the web page and help the team! 

    Volunteer Roles Agreement

    The BCW Barracudas are a member of the Austin Hills Swim League, which is a parent run and supported league. It takes many, many volunteers to run a home meet, and to do so successfully, participation is required from ALL swim families! In addition to the registration fee, your family is *required* to work a minimum of FOUR (4) meets/shifts. This number may change depending on final number of families registering. Registration requires you to select two meets and the job you would like to work at the meet, and you will select the remaining two required volunteer points later in the season. Every attempt will be made to assign you according to your choices, but the Board reserves the right to make final decisions.  We have a small number of non-meet jobs available for special circumstances, please contact us using the contact form.

    If you are unable to work your full assigned position at a meet, it is your responsibility to find a replacement for that position and notify the Board Member via [email protected] as soon as possible. Please be aware that your child can be pulled from participating in a swim meet and the remaining season if you do not work your job requirement.  You will not be allowed to return to the team the following year if you do not meet the volunteer commitment.

    Volunteer Agreement Pre-authorization: This season we are implementing a $150 credit card pre-authorization at the time of registration in connection to the 4 point per family volunteer agreement. If a family does not meet the volunteer minimum by the end of the season, the penalty fee will be assessed, and the family will have to register after all other registration is complete pending space in the following season. If a family faces unexpected hardship or unpredictable circumstances, please reach out proactively to the Board.

    By checking this box you indicate that you agree to the terms above.

    Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
    6 & Under Practice Policy

    I understand that a responsible adult is required to remain in the pool area during practice time for children 6 & under. Children 6 & under may NOT be left unattended at any time during practice.

    Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
    Non-Resident Registration

    Non-residents of Barton Creek West are an important and welcomed part of our team! However, in order to help defray the costs of maintaining the pool and equipment (which BCW residents pay as part of their HOA fees), non-residents pay a facility and equipment fee.  A BCW Resident is a swimmer in a household that pays Barton Creek West monthly homeowners association dues.

    This list will be checked with the BCW HOA.

    Returning BCW Barracudas Family

    Past BCW Barracudas, please select this box!  It helps us easily track returning swimmers and gives you a discount on swimmers 14 & over.

    Stroke Judge and Video Acknowledgement

    During swim meets, the volunteer stroke judges are provided by each team, having undergone training before the season.   Parents are expected to NOT interfere with the stroke judges while they are working, even if their child is not swimming in the current heat.   Any concerns with stroke judge decisions should be taken to the team president.   The Austin Hills Swim League does not allow any form of video or photo review, even for "obvious" mistakes.   Stroke Judges, Timers and Heat Ribbon volunteers will make mistakes and we expect parents to set good examples when those mistakes occur just as might happen with referees in other sports.

    Release and Indemnity Agreement

    This release and indemnity agreement ("Release") is made by the undersigned adult, as parent or legal guardian ("Representative") of the minor(s) listed above ("Participant(s)"), to release and indemnify Barton Creek West Barracudas Swim Team, and any of its respective officers, directors, agents, contractors, employees, volunteers, heirs, successors, and assigns (collectively known as the "Club"), as set forth below.

    1. Event. Representative, on Participant's behalf and on behalf of Representative's family, including Representative's spouse, parents, heirs, and assigns, (singularly and collectively referred to as "Representative") grants to the Club this full release and indemnification in exchange for permitting Participant to participate in the following ("Event"):

      • All Barton Creek West Barracudas swim meets and practices, and
      • All related social and other events, including parties

    2. Release and Indemnity. Representative agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, at Representative's sole cost, the Club from any claim for loss, costs, damages, or expenses, arising from death, bodily injury, or any other damage to persons or property, including loss or theft of property, that occurs by reason of Participant's participation in the Event, or is caused by:

      • The negligent acts or omissions of the Club; or
      • The negligent, grossly negligent or intentional acts or omissions of Representative, Participant, Representative's guest(s), or Participant's guest(s); or
      • The negligent, grossly negligent or intentional acts or omissions of any third party, including others participating in the Event; or
      • Any conditions existing upon the premises or equipment whether caused by inadvertent, negligent, grossly negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the Club.

    3. Severability. If any provision or portion of this Release is found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions and provisions of this Release shall remain effective and shall be construed as if the invalid portion or provisions had not been contained herein.

    4. Representative understands and acknowledges that this Release shall be binding on my estate, heirs, administrators and assigns.

    Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
    Barton Creek West Homeowners Association, Inc Waiver

    Barton Creek West Homeowners Association, Inc.


    I understand that swimming (including swim team participation), diving, and related recreational activities (collectively, the Activity) pose a degree of hazard and risk, that accidents happen, and can cause serious injury (including paralysis) and death.

    I understand that before Barton Creek West Homeowners Association, Inc. (the Association) will permit me or my minor child named below to participate in any Activity at the Association’s swimming facilities (the Facilities), we must give up all rights to hold the Association liable for injury/damage/loss that my Child or I may sustain. I agree that use of Association facilities, as well as participation in the Activity, is at the sole risk of the user/participant. I willingly assume all risk or injury/harm to me/my Child caused by any Activity.

    I release the Association from any and all liability for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death resulting from or arising out of any Activity or use of the Facilities INCLUDING LIABILITY RELATED TO COVID-19. I understand that this release bars recovery of money from the Association, even if the injury or harm occurs in a way that I never anticipated or expected or is caused in whole or in part by the Association’s acts or omissions.

    I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Association from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, and/or liabilities associated with or arising out of my Child’s use of the Facilities and/or participation in the Activity, notwithstanding any allegation that the Association was negligent or otherwise caused or contributed in whole or in part to the claimed harm, loss, or damage. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY RISKS OF LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, that may be sustained by me or the Child, or any loss or damage to property owned by me, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE ASSOCIATION, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, OR OTHERWISE. This promise to indemnify and hold harmless the Association extends to all liability, actions, demands, claims, damages, expenses, and costs of every possible nature due to injury, death, loss, or harm that may arise or result from my/my Child’s participation in the Activity or use of the Facilities.

    I agree to pay for the Association’s court costs and attorney’s fees if a lawsuit is brought against the Association in relation to my/my Child’s engaging in the Activity or use of the Facilities.

    The release and indemnity protections granted to the Association in this Agreement shall be given the broadest scope permitted by the law of the State of Texas. If any provision is found to be invalid, it will be modified to the least extent necessary to render it enforceable.

    I have read this Agreement and understand it. I am the parent or legal guardian of the Child named above, and have full authority to enter into this Agreement on my Child’s behalf. I sign voluntarily and on behalf of myself, my Child, and my Child’s other parent. This Agreement shall be binding on personal representatives, heirs, and all other persons who could make a claim against the Association that relates to injury or harm to me/my Child.

    Whenever the term “Association” is used in this Agreement, it includes its community manager and past and present Association directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees, volunteers.


    Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
    COVID-19 Waiver

    The team has taken enhanced health and safety measures – for staff members, swimmers and volunteers. You must follow all posted and verbal instructions while participating. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to illness and possible death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By participating, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

    We cannot prevent you (or your child(ren)) from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while participating in summer league events. It is not possible to protect against the presence of the disease. Therefore, if you choose to participate in summer league swimming activities, you may be exposing yourself to and or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.


    AHSL Concussion Information

    AHSL League Required Information

    Concussions are a risk in all sports including swimming. It is important to understand the signs and symptoms of concussions and what to do in case of a concussion. Please notify your team president of any signs of concussion and contact and your doctor.

    Please refer to the Concussion Information handout on the ahsl.swimtopia.com league website for more information.

    AHSL Policies

    Austin Hills Swim League (AHSL) Policy Statement

    1. Youth League Eligibility
      The Austin Hills Swim League (AHSL) is a youth organization dedicated to promoting swimming among young athletes. To participate in AHSL events, swimmers must be under the age of 18. Any swimmer who reaches their 18th birthday during the season will be ineligible to continue participating from that date forward, regardless of the age-up date.
    2. Prohibition of Tech Suits
      To ensure fair competition, focus on skill development, and minimize costs for families, AHSL prohibits the use of tech suits at all meets. Swimmers must adhere to this rule to participate in league events.
    3. Demonstrated Skills Requirement
      Swimmers must demonstrate proficiency at practice before competing in breaststroke, butterfly, and individual medley events during meets. This ensures a safe learning environment for the swimmers and helps with meet operations.
    4. Photography Restrictions
      In compliance with SafeSport guidelines, photography is strictly prohibited behind the starting blocks or at the ends of the pool. This policy is in place to protect the privacy and safety of all swimmers.
    5. Stroke Judge and Video Review Acknowledgment
      AHSL recognizes the importance of stroke judges in maintaining fair competition. The league does not permit the use of video review to contest decisions made by stroke judges. All participants and their families must acknowledge and respect the authority of stroke judges during competitions.
    Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *